
Start a project by creating a project folder, installing Eleventy locally using NPM, then creating an HTML file.

Create your project folder (the project root).

mkdir eleventy-test
cd eleventy-test

Setup Node and Eleventy locally

npm init -y
npm install --save-dev @11ty/eleventy

Do a quick test.

npx eleventy

A simple message like this should be returned.

Processed 0 files in 0.02 seconds (v0.9.0)

Create an index.html file. At this point it can just be standard HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Eleventy Test</title>
<h1>Eleventy Test</h1>

Run Eleventy again.

npx eleventy

It should return a message like this :

Writing _site/index.html from ./index.html.
Processed 1 file in 0.03 seconds (v0.9.0)

There should now be a new folder, _site, in the project folder. Inside _site you should find a new index.html, the HTML should match the HTML inside the index.html you created. _site is the default output folder for Eleventy.

You should check this new file in your web browser by loading the /eleventy-test/_site folder.